// GridMod

About US

Our mission is to make the most out of the ADMS software to the power utility and provide continual assistance to the customer every day.

Our experienced engineers and experts provide their best know-how and advice in order to find solutions that meet your expectations.

We follow the state-of-the-art technologies and latest innovations in engineering practice
We believe that leveraging the best ADMS implementation practices can make complicated solutions more understandable and the product more useful.

Our qualified team transparently provides robust consulting with over 10 years of experience in the Smart Grid line of business. You work directly with the senior and senior project managers who delivered the biggest multi-million ADMS solutions in the United States.

// GridMod


• Top Talents: over 10 years of hands-on experience in ADMS implementation on all workstreams. Our experts have a background in electrical engineering, PMO, SCADA, and Integrations.

• Scalable: start quickly, and grow your support team as your project’s activities do. Our resources and availability are flexible.

• Tailor your services: No power utility is the same. Tailor your consulting services to fit your implementation goals and business processes.

• Hit the deadlines: We know how to assist the utility with the biggest bottlenecks during the ADMS implementation process. Catch your milestones without delays. It is always easier once you have someone who did this before by our side.

• Know the problem in advance: We are leveraging our experience from the previous project to help the utilities identify and resolve the gaps in time.

• Avoid resource overkill: typical ADMS implementation is very impactful on utility’s resources. Our work shoulder-to-shoulder with you, so no stream is ever lacking support.

// GridMod

Company values:

• Commitment – we are dedicated and hard-working individuals who value deliverables over anything else.

• Transparency – openness with our clients. We raise problems in time and provide a solution.

• No delays – in the ADMS implementation landscape, even a single-day delay and push in the schedule is a significant cost. We set the priorities and plan ahead to operate within the project schedule dates continuously.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions